About Us

planting sapling


There is a world beyond capitalism, beyond exploitation to emancipation, beyond private profit to social good, beyond competition to cooperation, beyond war to peace and to the world where all work together


To ensure that excellent quality of holistic education reaches the children of the poor from the remote villages
To promote among the young minds integrity, intelligent enquiry, creativity, critical thinking, communication skills, cooperation and vision for life
To promote among the youth a sense of citizenship, i.e., an attitude, a state of mind and emotional conviction that the whole is greater than the part … and the part should humbly be proud to sacrifice itself so that the whole may live - Robert A. Heinlein


"That we may know the truth and the truth will make us free"
"A person is an individual with others in the world"
We arrive in the world created by the people before us. We cannot live unless we recreate this world for us and for our future generation. If a person is important, the world is equally important. Others living with us are integral part of us. We cannot become ourselves without others and we in turn make others. We cannot grow without others. And most important, we cannot grow as human persons at the expense of others. The real growth of our person is achieved only through growing together. We cannot receive without giving. Receiving and giving are two sides of the same coin called life
We place ourselves in the history of our people. We learn from the people who have gone before us, who have contributed for the creation of this wonderful world. We resolve to contribute our best so that the world and the history moves forward and all experience a good quality of life
planting sapling